socialPALS and GOLDKRONE show how digital dealer marketing and Click & Meet complement each other

socialPALS und GOLDKRONE zeigen wie sich digitales Händlermarketing und Click&Meet ergänzen
socialPALS und GOLDKRONE zeigen wie sich digitales Händlermarketing und Click&Meet ergänzen

socialPALS and GOLDKRONE show how digital dealer marketing and Click & Meet complement each other

GOLDKRONE launches online campaign with FOND OF

With more than 350 retail partners, GOLDKRONE is the largest trade cooperative of leather goods retailers in Europe. Its members are located in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland), Belgium and the Netherlands. Together, they develop a market potential that helps specialist retailers in the leather goods and accessories sector to advance in their daily business. The association provides support at all levels with intelligent solutions – now also in cooperation with socialPALS.

GOLDKRONE is launching its first social media campaign for retailers together with FOND OF. Under the motto “Support local retailers”, FOND OF / ergobag is launching an online campaign via socialPALS with the partial opening of the retail trade, in most regions with Click & Meet.

Ideally, the merchants invited to the campaign use an external appointment tool (such as timify), which can be used to make a shopping appointment on the individualized landing page.

Die individualisierte Landingpage verweist direkt auf das Terminvereinbarungstool des Händlers

Merchants get individual landing page

The landing page is adapted to the store of the participating retailer via socialPALS. Under the account settings on the socialPALS platform, the merchant enters the link of the appointment tool used and the phone number of the store. In addition to all information about the Goldkrone FOND OF / ergobag campaign, the landing page also refers to the homepage of the retailer. For retailers that do not integrate an appointment tool, the phone number is displayed for contacting. This way, customers can reach the retailer directly in any case.

Campaign launch with just a few clicks

With just a few clicks, the merchant participates in a campaign via socialPALS. Through the provided content calendar, they use the ad budget provided by FOND OF and achieve a reach increase in the local target group through the automatically published ads via Facebook, Instagram and Google display.

This way, digital marketing not only leads to increased attention, but also turns prospects into customers within a very short time – from touchpoint to store door.

Statements from GOLDKRONE and FOND OF:

Kathrin Doleczik – Marketing Managerin GOLDKRONE

The social media campaign together with FOND OF and socialPALS came at exactly the right time for our dealers. Now that stores can only be entered by prior appointment, potential customers are perfectly picked up via the landing page and can secure an appointment with just a few clicks. For us, this was the first campaign with socialPALS and we are thrilled with how many dealers participated in the campaign. socialPALS did a super job in activating the dealers.

Kathrin Doleczik / Marketing Manager

Fynn Kruse - Retail Manager bei FOND OF

This is our first campaign in cooperation with Goldkrone and socialPALS and both our and our dealers’ opinion is absolutely positive. Not only the setup of the campaign but also the planning was very easy and straightforward.
It was the perfect moment in this challenging time to play out this campaign via social media & online banners in the direct environment of our dealers. The specially developed landing page linked to the dealers’ appointment booking system and the dealers received countless appointment requests as a result. It’s great to see so many dealers participating in this and what a positive affect it has on brick-and-mortar retail.

Fynn Kruse / Retail Manager

Interview with a retailer in the FOND OF campaign:

You are participating in the FOND OF campaign with Leder Heinz in Neu-Isenburg, Leder Heinz e.K. in Worms and with the branch in Weiterstadt. Please tell us something about the company and your tasks there.

Hello, my name is Mona Ruppel from the company Leder Heinz. I am the deputy managing director, I manage our branch in Frankfurt am Main and I also take care of our homepage and our social media presence.

The company Leder Heinz was founded in 1991 in Worms and now has branches in Worms, Neu-Isenburg, Weiterstadt and Frankfurt. We are specialized in the sale of leather goods, luggage and satchels. We attach great importance to the quality of our advice and that every customer feels comfortable and well advised.

Mona Ruppel - Geschäftsführerin von Leder Heinz

Leder Heinz
Mona Ruppel / Managing Director

How did you first hear about socialPALS / How did you come to work with socialPALS? Was it the first time?

We found out about socialPALS through a GOLDKRONE newsletter. The company FOND OF offered a campaign through your platform. In order to participate in the campaign for Facebook and Google, it was necessary to register with socialPALS. Previously, we had no touch points with your company.

What are the current benefits of using the socialPALS platform in conjunction with an appointment booking tool? Do you already feel a higher demand?

I find the socialPALS platform great, as the campaigns run as if by themselves. The posts as well as the placed ads happen without us having to do anything. Everything runs smoothly, I can really only recommend it.

An appointment booking calendar is also connected to the posts so that we can directly book an appointment for a consultation in our branches. This tool is already used by customers; however, we also have free appointments that can be booked. I hope that the utilization here will be a bit higher.

Did you need support with the account creation or the implementation of the campaign?

Yes, we needed support with the creation of the account and the campaign. There was a special situation with our Facebook account, so it was not so easy to link it to your platform. But in the end we managed it together. I have never had such a great contact person as Ms. Reitmayer, who took care of our problem, made sure our account worked, gave me such great support and never let go of the fact that we could do it together and get the account up and running. In addition, she made me aware that we could create a separate sub-account for each of our stores to get more reach in the campaigns. We then started the FOND OF campaign together and made the appropriate settings so that everything is now running great.

I would like to thank Ms. Reitmayer from socialPALS again for this special, great and friendly support.

Why is the use of the platform such an added value for you?

For us, it really is an added value because the campaigns are initiated by you and we don’t have to worry about setting up the posts and placing the ads. It happens all by itself. We can even set an exact date ourselves as to what will be posted and when.

Together with GOLDKRONE and the FOND OF / ergobag campaign, socialPALS has once again shown how retailers can be successfully supported in times of crisis – without much effort.

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