Excellent! It is no longer a secret, this year socialPALS has got off to a really good start with the brand new platform app.socialpals.de and many new brands. Now, of course, the first media reports are coming…
source: www.elektromarkt.de
Needlessly to say we are very pleased about this – Elektromarkt.de published an article about us on July 27, 2018 and told about our interface between retailer and manufacturer. The customer Deuter also has his say and refers to the “enormous added value” that the platform offers not only to them, but also to the retailers.
Here GZ-Online indicates the pioneering work of our retail marketing platform, which does not yet exist in Europe, and the gain in efficiency for retailers and manufacturers.
You can find the article from Elektromarkt.de here and the article from GZ-Online here.
We look forward to many more articles to come and will report on them here.
sources: www.elektromarkt.de and www.gz-online.de