Didriksons Campaign: KLÜN’s inspires customers with socialPALS

Interview mit Lukas Nörth von KLÜNs zur Didriksons Online Kampagne
Interview mit Lukas Nörth von KLÜNs zur Didriksons Online Kampagne

Didriksons Campaign: KLÜN’s inspires customers with socialPALS

With creative designs and special insights, KLÜN’s wants to inspire its customers and show what’s behind the brands on the shelves. With a socialPALS campaign by the Swedish trend brand Didriksons, the fashion house from Jever was now able to make this happen even better. Marketing Manager Lukas Nöth sums it up: “Good for us as retailers – and for the manufacturers a much better invested marketing budget!”
Marketing Manager Lukas Nöth von KLÜNs im Interview bei socialPALS

Lukas Nöth
Marketing Manager  | KLÜNs

Interview with Lukas Nöth from KLÜNs

Lukas, please tell us briefly about KLÜN’s fashion and your role as Marketing Manager at the company.

I take care of all marketing issues at KLÜN’s – from print projects to customer gifts to the big area of online marketing. KLÜN’s is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, and I’m particularly proud to be able to ensure its continued success through online marketing. One thing is clear: we reach our target group particularly well online and on a personal level.

This is how fashion stores reach their local target group online. Simple, without their own online marketing know-how.

How did the cooperation with socialPALS come about?

We became aware of socialPALS through the Swedish company Didriksons. We were offered to share posts from Didriksons on our social media channels via socialPALS. We liked the idea right away. We are constantly looking for great content and interesting stories from the fashion world for our customers. Through socialPALS, we were not only able to access high-quality campaign material, we also received advertising budget for Facebook.

What were the advantages of socialPALS over classic POS material?

The normal POS material is always elaborate and beautifully made, but we simply don’t have enough space for display stands. Our focus in the stores is the presentation of the merchandise. We also have the feeling that customers hardly notice POS material. After the season, we also have to store or dispose of the material. That costs space and takes up a lot of resources.

The big advantage and also decisive difference with socialPALS is that customers perceive campaign material much better and more intensively – which we can make measurable through impressions and clicks. This is not only good for us as retailers, but also a clearly better-invested marketing budget for the manufacturers.

Have you been able to add value for your customers by supporting socialPALS?

We have definitely been able to make added value visible for our customers. They have the opportunity to interact with the manufacturer companies through socialPALS. Great campaign pictures and videos as well as well-designed, informative texts about the products turn our customers into interested parties of the brand.

We could feel the interest in the products in the stores. We were approached several times about the Facebook campaign and asked about the merchandise. Of course, we were happy to present it and sales developed quite well.

Were you satisfied with the support from socialPALS during the campaign?

On a positive note, the socialPALS platform is very clearly laid out and data protection is also safeguarded. Thus, we had only very few, rather specific inquiries that were answered quickly and competently.

Is the use of the campaign platform also an added value for you?

The platform makes our work much easier. We no longer have to spend time on time-consuming content research, we don’t have to ask for approvals from manufacturer companies, and we immediately have good and professional campaign material.

From our point of view, socialPALS also reflects the idea of retail: we present companies right there in our store. Thanks to socialPALS, we can also present companies online on social media. The advertising impact on the customer is much more targeted and measurable. An optimal combination!

How much time did you spend before participating in the campaign?

Very little. After a short setup phase, socialPALS took over the important steps. We only decided how to use the advertising budget and were even able to make changes to the posting texts.

Were you satisfied with the reach of the campaign?

We were very satisfied with the reach we achieved. In some cases, we were able to generate 70 times more reach through the Facebook ads. The interaction of our customers with the posts played out by socialPALS is also in the upper range compared to other posts. But much more important to us than bare numbers was the feedback from our customers. We have a very close relationship and have known many regular customers for years – so it was also important to us that these customers commented positively.

Would you like to see more brands collaborate with socialPALS?

That would be great! Of course, linking all of our fashion partners with our own social media presence would be ideal. Cooperations of the fashion partners with large online retailers already exist. We think we should now also be included as partners, since we have been with many of the retailers [Alternative: some of the retailers] for decades.

Many smaller retailers can’t afford a social media presence; many simply lack the time or expertise. But since almost all customers are online and therefore easy to reach, there is of course a huge potential for retailers and the participating fashion partners. So we would be happy to work with more of our fashion partners via socialPALS soon!

Thank you Lukas for the interview!

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